Wendy Curtiss è una cantautrice e chitarrista americana di grande esperienza, che ha percorso in lungo ed in largo gli USA ed il Messico, spesso facendo concerti ogni sera .
La musica è stata sempre la sua ragione di vita .Ha scritto molte canzoni originali, il suo stile varia dal country, al blues al jazz al light rock: i temi delle sue canzoni toccano quegli argomenti che sono vicini al cuore di ognuno di noi
La sua voce calda ed il suo modo originale di suonare la chitarra cattureranno il vostro cuore.
Wendy Curtiss is a consumate, seasoned, entertainer/singer/songwriter and guitarist. Her experiences have covered years and miles of travel. Starting out first, in the state of Connecticut, she eventually decided to settle in the state of Washington, after playing in California, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, and Utah. She even did shows in tourist cities in Mexico!! For a period of 6 years, she traveled and worked with Hotel chains like Best Western and Holliday Inns, playing 6 nights a week and performing requests and the hits of the day. After tiring of the road and its lack of roots, she settled in the Seattle area of Washington and continued to perform regularly on a nightly basis. She started doing her own originals at her performances about 20 years ago. Her song themes and lyrics will easily reach your soul with subject matter that anyone can relate to. Her style ranges from country to blues to jazz and light rock. She enjoys keeping it varied, and feels that this is important to an audience. Wendy had the opportunity to open for Faith Hill and Tim McGraw at the Gorge, in Washington, a few summers ago. Since 1996, Wendy has produced 4 CDs of original material, recording with the finest musicians the Northwest has to offer. Her music has recieved attention in Nashville, as well as Auston Texas. Her CDs can be perchased at CD Baby, and her Web site, www. Wendy-Lee.Com, will allow you to hear sound bites and will direct you to her CDs. Give her a listen. Her strong, soulful vocals and creative guitar style will capture your heart!
WEB: www.Wendy-Lee.com
CDbaby for CD sales
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